
A New Look

Well I did it. Last night I decided to make some major changes to the appearance of my blog. I've put a more recent photo of myself in my profile. The previous photo was actually taken when I was four years old. I am also including my real first name. As a teacher, I didn't want students to stumble upon my blog and know more about me that I wanted them to. Now that I am no longer teaching, it's not as much of an issue for me. With the new design are some new "features." I have started a photo of the week and a list of songs from my iPod. We'll see how long I keep up with updating those, but my intention is to do it every week, either Friday evening or Saturday morning. There may be some other changes too, but you will have to wait for those, since I haven't made any decisions regarding that yet.


Matt said...

I like the new look!

Sara said...

Very nice, Aaron! I like the changes. I enjoy a nice sidebar. It tells so much about a person. Keeping a blog as long as we have can be a challenge.