

I've been checking Algebra 1 quizzes tonight and decided that I need to take a break. Now's as good a times as any since I just finished one class's tests and I just finished with watching "Charlie X" on my season one DVD set of the original Star Trek series. I've just started watching "The Naked Time," but I digress. Anyway, I am just so frustrated right now! These students can not compute! I mean, how hard is it to add 9.6 and 16? You wouldn't believe how many students put 11.2 for an answer! They lines up the numbers by the rightmost digit instead of by place value. This is really a skill that they should have mastered before completing eighth grade! So now I apparently have to teach skills that my students should already have as well as teach the new skills that I am supposed to be teaching. I guess I should get back to grading. If I keep bitching about these quizzes, it will never get done.

Oh no, someone just died on Star Trek, and it was someone in a blue shirt, not red. Those standard, non-serrated knives sure can be dangerous.

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