
Rush "Defender of the Constitution" Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh, who was given the "Defender of the Constitution Award" at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) apparently thinks that being a defender of the Constitution means he gets to write it. Limbaugh claims that Barack Obama and the rest of the liberals want to bastardize the Constitution, but maybe he should take a look at himself. In his speech at the CPAC, Rush Limbaugh rewrote the Constitution by inserting words from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, claiming that the Constitution entitles us to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And as if that wasn't enough, the apparent leader of the Republicon Party, added "freedom" to that list as well, which is not even part of that phrase in the Declaration of Independence. Why doesn't Limbaugh just get a clue?

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