
Another Birthday Party

This weekend we went to Mel's parents' house in Humboldt, Iowa, where we had a birthday party for Emma for Mel's side of the family. We didn't want to have the party at our house because we didn't feel that it could accommodate many people, and Mel's family is quite large. Besides, we didn't think many people would want to drive all the way here for a few hours. Having the party at Mel's parents' house was more convenient for more of the family.

We ended up buying some food for the lunch when we arrived in Humboldt. Despite not knowing how many people would be in attendance, we ended up without too much leftover. We basically had enough left for Mel's parents and us to have dinner Saturday night. After eating lunch Emma opened her presents. She was very excited about that and did a god job of tearing the wrapping paper off of her presents. Among the presents she received was the Little People Dance ’n Twirl Palace. She and her cousin Selathiel really enjoyed playing with that. She also got an Elmo's Mailbox Shape Sorter (which was also a lot of fun), some bubbles, and some books.

Since we will be having Easter dinner with my side of the family, we plan on celebrating Emma's birthday with them then. So the celebration of Emma's birthday gets to extend for over three weeks.


5Ollies said...

It sounds like Emma really enjoyed her day. I am happy for her. I am still bummed that I was not able to come; Isabel was as well.

Aaron said...

Yes, it would have been nive if you all could have made it as well, but we understand. In fact, for the few days before the weekend, I wondered if I was going to make it myself. I finally actually felt well for the first time since Monday on Saturday morning.