
The Year We Make Contact

Good morning everyone! Here is my very first blog posting in the year twenty ten or two thousand ten, whichever you prefer. I think I am going to be calling the year "twenty ten," but we'll see how well I stick to that. And while I am talking about sticking to things, I am going to make a few New Year's resolutions. We'll see how this goes, but my wife is already doubting my ability to keep any resolutions.
  • Watch what I eat -- I need to watch what I eat for the purpose of losing weight. I will know if I have succeeded in this resolution if I manage to get my weight down to 205 pounds and keep it there, as my doctor says I should.
  • Reduce my caffeine consumption -- While I have greatly reduced the amount of soda I drink over how much I used to, I should cut down on the amount of caffeine I consume.
  • Exercise more -- I only exercise sporadically as it is. I need to get into the habit of exercising at least three days a week.
I could probably come up with some more things I need to to, but I think I will just leave it at these three resolutions for now.

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