
Return to the Dentist

Today I had my second appointment with the dentist this week. On Monday I had some cavities filled, mostly on the right side of my mouth. Today it was time for the cavities on the left side of my mouth to be repaired. This visit did not go quite as smoothly as Monday's visit. The dentist had a difficult time getting my lower jaw to become numb. She had to inject me with the usual anesthetic three times toward my back lower left tooth, and my jaw still did not really get all that numb, so she ended up using a different anesthetic which she injected down into my gums right in front of the tooth. After that, there were no problems with pain. I did have a problem keeping my mouth open the whole time though as she had to work on my rear lower molar, so I really had to keep my mouth open wide. That ended up being very uncomfortable. Fortunately I made it through the procedure pain free.

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