
That Damn Black-banded Leporinus

Black Banded Leporinus
Originally uploaded by catxcatxx

My black-banded leporinus has done it again. Just a couple of weeks ago I wrote about how my black-banded leporinus had been attacking the other fish in my aquarium, killing the albino tiger barb. Well today it murdered the only other fish in the aquarium that really swims around a lot, the red-tail tinfoil barb. There is also a plecostomus in the aquarium, but it does not swim around much, at least not when people are watching. So help me, if this fish starts attacking the pleco, I will have to get rid of it. Of course then I could restock the aquarium with all new, and hopefully less-aggressive, fish.


BunnyGeek said...

Yep, that's what these guys do. They shouldn't be kept with smaller fish at all. This one at the Zoo was with other species of Headstander of similar size, can't quite remember what else.

They are even known to work well with larger territorial Cichlids like Oscars.

Aaron said...

The thing is that the other fish were approximately the same size. The pet store employee actually suggested an oscar, so I may get one of those.

BunnyGeek said...

of course then the Oscar will eat smaller fish too ;) this guy at the Zoo was full grown at 10"-12", how big is yours?

Aaron said...

It's about 8" long, and it is the only fish other than the pleco that is about 7" long.