
End of the Week Update

It's finally Friday. I didn't do much blogging this week, so here's an update on the week's events. Monday was just another typical work day, as was Tuesday. On Wednesday Mel had another doctor appointment. Everything is doing well with the baby--just twelve more weeks to go! Nothing unusual happened at work, nor at home, the rest of the week. Now I will have a three-day holiday weekend. Mel and I had hoped to go to a movie some time this weekend, but after checking in the newspaper, there don't seem to be any movies playing that we both want to see. I guess we'll have to find something else to do to keep ourselves busy for the weekend.


Anonymous said...

You could play your turn on Scrabble....unless that fact that I'm kicking your ass again is why you get slower and slower in playing your turns. ;)


Anonymous said...

Have you seen Night aat the Museum?