
Tip for Mobile Meth Lab Operators

Don't fall asleep in your car containing a methamphetamine lab, especially when you are at an intersection in front of the county jail! That's exactly what Kirk Alan Marvel did. Around 4:00 this morning, Black Hawk County sheriff's deputies noticed a car stopped at a stop light at an intersection in front of the county jail. When the car stayed in its place through multiple cycles of the stop light, they decided to check it out. Upon approaching the car they smelled ether. On further investigation, they found other elements required for making meth in his car. I guess they didn't have far to take him when they arrested him, being in front of the jail.

Incidentally, the two "Related Advertising Links" that appeared on the web page that the news story was on when I read it were for Crystal Meth Treatment and Executive Recovery Help, a drug and alcohol treatment program aimed at executives.

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