
A Hell of a Commute

I have been working from home since this past July when Emma and I moved to Minnesota to join Mel who had been here since just before Memorial Day. Today though, I had to drive to my work location. One of my colleagues in Iowa City was supposed to drive up here yesterday afternoon for a committee meeting today. However a blizzard in eastern Iowa prevented him from making the drive, so since I live in the area, I was asked if I could run the meeting for him.

So this morning, instead of driving the one mile to drop Emma off at daycare and then back to the house, I had a twenty-four mile drive to Roseville, Minnesota, this morning. Because of the large amount of snow we received yesterday afternoon, and the damn cold temperatures (it was as cold as -15°F during my commute), there were numerous motor vehicle accidents along my route. It took me 75 minutes to make it to my destination. Fortunately I made it there in time. In fact, since many of the committee members arrived late because of the traffic, we got started late.

The meeting went well. Even though I was not completely familiar with the content we were working with, there were no major issues.

My drive back was much better than the drive there. I did make a detour to the airport on my way back so I could drop off another colleague so he could avoid taking a taxi. Now tomorrow I will be back to my normal routine of working from home all day.

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