
Home Sick Today

I stayed home sick today. Mel and I went to bed before 8:00 last night because neither of us was feeling well. I slept really well until Emma woke me up shortly after 3:30 this morning. I was pretty much up with her until I put her back to bed at 5:15, allowing me to get an additional fifteen minutes of sleep before the alarm clock went off. I did get a little sleep while I was holding Emma while sitting in the living room. So after getting up this morning, and still not feeling all that well, I decided to stay home. I did have a little work that I had to complete this morning in order to keep it on schedule, but after completing that, I went back to bed. I was able to sleep from shortly after 9:30 until about noon. Once I woke up then, I did feel quite a bit better. Maybe it was just sleep that I needed.

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