
tlhIngan Hol

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you may know that on the third Wednesday of each month, I tweet exclusively using the Klingon language. For those of you who can not speak or read tlhIngan Hol, I am once again providing translations here in my blog.

veQDuj bej veQDuj puqbe'wI'.
My daughter likes to watch the garbage scow.

cha'leS bom chu' ghaj @alyankovic.
@alyankovic will have a new song the day after tomorrow. http://bit.ly/UItw6

DaHjaj chorghmaH corgh ben bogh Gene Roddenberry.
Gene Roddenberry was born eighty-eight years ago today.

It is raining.

DaHjaj vaghmaH Soch ben Jonathan Frakes 'ej SochmaH wa' ben Diana Muldaur. qoSrajmey lutIvchaj!
Today Jonathan Frakes is fifty-seven years old and Diana Muldaur is seventy-one years old. May they enjoy their birthdays!

'ey. RT @frenchdipmaids: Ooooo zo good!!!
RT @frenchdipmaids: Ooooo zo good!!! http://flic.kr/p/6R4ust

"tornado" vImughmeH chay' tlhIngan Hol vIlo'laH?
How can I use Klingon in order to translate "tornado?"

Sum DIngbogh SuS HoSghaj.
A powerful wind which spins (tornad0) is nearby.

SepwIjDaq DIngbogh SuS HoSghaj! vISo'!
The tornado is in my region! I hide!

QIp ghotpu'.
People are stupid.

loj DIngbogh SuS HoSghaj.
The tornado is gone.

tachvetlh vISuchnISqu'.
I really need to visit this bar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do I have visions of the gang from "The Big Bang Theory" sitting around playing Klingon Boggle?