
Rain, Rain, Go Away

It looks like it is going to be a very rainy day today. It was raining so much this morning, that our neighbor's garbage can was swept down the street to the end of our driveway, blocking my exit. So, before I took Emma to day care, I had to go to the end of our driveway to retrieve our neighbor's garbage can and return it to their driveway. It looks like the rain has died down a bit, but not much. And, because of all of the flash flooding, I will probably have to take an alternate route. Normally I drive down a road that goes pretty close to the Cedar River south of Mount Vernon. The river has been pretty high lately, getting really close to the road. I could drive that way, but then I might have to turn around, adding more time to my commute. So, I might as well take Interstate 380 to work this morning. It doesn't add any extra time, although the higher speeds--70 miles per hour instead of 55 miles per hour--will cause me to use extra gasoline. Hopefully the rain calms down significantly before I drive in to work. That will be a little later than usual this morning as someone is coming to the house this morning to finish with the drywall repairs in our bathroom.

Tonight, we are supposed to be going to a Cedar Rapids Kernels baseball game for Mel's work. We are going to be taking Emma, but if it is still raining or if it is too cold, we will not be going. I really hope the weather improves by then as I would like to go to the game.

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