
Kentucky Grilled Chicken

After spending a few hours swimming, we didn't really want to cook anything for dinner. We didn't really have much planned for dinner; we had originally planned on having soup, but that didn't sound too appealing. So we decided to pick up some chicken from KFC. I wanted to try their new grilled chicken, but despite Oprah's ravings about it, I wasn't sure how good the grilled chicken would be, so of the chicken I bought, I had them fill the order so half of it was grilled and the other half was extra crispy. I started with eating the grilled chicken breast. I thought it was pretty good. For a second piece of chicken, I had the extra crispy chicken thigh. It just did not taste that good to me. I don't know what the deal was, but Mel didn't think her crispy chicken was all that great either. I also didn't fine the maccaroni and cheese to be super either. I do not think we will be getting KFC as a family any time soon, and if I go to KFC to get lunch some time, it will probably be the grilled chicken.

1 comment:

5Ollies said...

I really like their grilled chicken too.