
Another Baby on the Way

If you are someone who visits my blog regularly, and doesn't just read it through some sort of blog reader, you may have noticed the baby ticker that appeared in the left margin of this blog on Sunday. It is true! My wife and I are expecting our second child! We currently have the due date calculated as being February 2, but everyone seems to give a different date. The nurse said February 3 or 4, the doctor said the first week of February, and the online due date calculator said February 2. The delivery will be scheduled anyway, so it really does not matter what any of these due dates are specifically, and as we found out with Emma, sometimes babies decide to arrive a couple of weeks early. I don't have much else to share at the moment, but I will try to keep all my readers apprised with the baby's progress.


5Ollies said...

I like how the baby countdown shows what the baby currently looks like.

Me said...

Congrats! And I'm stealing the widget idea.