

While watching Criminal Minds on WCCO, the Twin Cities CBS station, last night, they aired a commercial for an upcoming news story about someone who had ankle surgery performed on the wrong ankle. At the end of the commercial the text "WTF?" appeared on the screen. I was a bit shocked that a TV news station would put something like that in their ad. Did they not realize that WTF is an abbreviation for "What the f***k?"

This did remind me though of something that happened at the last school I taught at. I noticed that several students were wearing T-shirts with the letters WTF emblazoned on them in school. I believe there was also something relating to the school mascot on the shirts as well. Apparently, someone had convinced the school administrators to approve such a shirt, claiming that the letters stood for something completely different. Eventually the administration did catch on however.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mathman-
My wife and I saw it, too. We had taped Criminal Minds. When it aired we both looked at each other, said WTF? Laughed quite a bit and speculated that someone has just enjoyed their last day at WCCO.
Thanks for the blog.

Anonymous said...

My family and our best friend were all watching Criminal Minds as well and had to hit pause and laugh hysterically. We joked that maybe it stood for "What this foot?", "Why that foot?", "Wrong. that foot" etc... We had to laugh for five minutes. I sent an email to WCCO and just got this:

Dear Ryan -

Thank you for your email. We appreciate hearing from you because your
feedback is important to us. That graphic was never intended for air.
The fact that it did was an unfortunate mistake, and we apologize if it
offended you. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your
thoughts with us.

Kari Nolan
Communications and Content Coordinator
WCCO TV|612.330.2576|90 S. 11th Street Minneapolis, MN 55403

Anonymous said...

I had also emailed them and got the exact same response. And here I thought they actually took the time to write me personally. Although it maybe funny I was bothered that we have reduced ourselves to that level on the local news.


Anonymous said...

StarTrib caught it too


Anonymous said...

The real question is... Can someone put it up on YouTube, or send me the video so I can put it up on YouTube?!

Folks up here in Duluth want to see too! :D

(re..vaa.r.on at h.ot...ma.il d.ot c.o.m - remove periods)