I also managed to get a couple of packages sent. One of them was a Christmas present for one of Mel's friends in Cedar Rapids. The other was a birthday present for Mel's friend who lives in Ohio. Her birthday is on New Year's Eve. We haven't sent her Christmas present yet, but plan on sending it tomorrow. If she doesn't get it by Christmas, she should at least get it by Friday.
From the weather reports I heard yesterday, we got around six inches of light, fluffy snow. I would have used the snow blower to clear off the driveway, but it is not working. So I ended up shoveling. Emma came out to help. We thought she would enjoy playing in the snow, but when I stood her up in the snow in the yard, she fell back onto her behind and started whining. Apparently playing in the snow is not Emma's idea of a good time. At least it wasn't today.
Today I got a new spark plug for the snow blower. Hopefully that will help it to start. I was working on getting the cover off so I could install it, but the screws are a little tight and it's just too cold to spend much time working on it right now.
I hope that you get the snowblower fixed soon. It's no fun shoveling; especially in this cold weather.
She looks like she's hailing a tiny cab. :)
It does look like that, doesn't it. In actuality, she was waving at the door where mommy had been just moments before.
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