
More Christmas Shopping

We started our Christmas shopping a couple of weeks ago when we found a good sale at the Disney Store at the Mall of America. We hadn't planned on doing any Christmas shopping that night, but we couldn't pass up the deals. Well tonight the Christmas shopping moved into high gear with the ordering of plenty of presents online. We took care of presents for four and a half people tonight. Now we have to finish the shopping for one person (the half person mentioned in the last sentence) as well as doing all the shopping for four others, not including ourselves. For Mel and me, we are going to pass on getting each other presents and instead buy one present for us as a family, a Nintento Wii. We have seen them in stores quite a bit lately. I just hope we can find one now that we decided to go ahead and buy one.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I think that we've decided to not get a Wii for Christmas. Carolyn and I have been talking about it for several months but we'd have to purchase the Wii on a credit card and we're hoping to make this a cash-only Christmas. We'll start setting aside some money after Christmas and hopefully have enough by spring to buy the Wii with cash.