
Bad Emma

Emma had a bit of a rough day yesterday, or rather, her parents had a bit of a rough day because of her. It all began when she decided to wake up at 4:00 in the morning! We could not get her to go back to sleep, so we ended up sitting with her in the living room, with Mel lying down on the couch and Emma sitting on my lap. Mel and I both dozed off a bit, but we think Emma stayed awake until around 5:00, a mere fifteen minutes before Mel had to get up to get ready for work. I tried to put Emma back in her bed then, but she woke back up. I did get her to go back to sleep, but she woke up again when I tried to put her back in bed when I was ready to go shower. She was up from that point on.

Emma's day didn't seem to go better at daycare. When Mel picked her up, she learned that Emma had gotten in trouble during the day. Apparently she and another child were fighting over a toy or something and Emma shoved the other kid, leaving a scratch mark on him or her. She got a talking to at daycare, and then again when she got home. I hope she is better behaved today.

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