
THX 1138

I am trying to decide if I want to purchase THX 1138 when it comes out on DVD next week. I haven't read any reviews yet of the DVD, but I am wondering if George Lucas felt the need to "improve" this movie in the same fashion that he improved the original Star Wars movies. Maybe I'll just rent it. If I want to get it later, I can buy it used when the rental stores sell off some of their copies, or maybe I can get it from a used DVD place.

I have one more test item I need to write. I sure hope they like them. I wouldn't want them to think the the quality of my writing is dropping as I may try to get a job with them once the school year ends. Let's see if I can get this one last item done while watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.


Anonymous said...

I think I will. I'll probably buy it in a twofer with the Holy Trilogy on Amazon.

Anonymous said...

Actually, just did it.

Oh, and THX 1138 has been "enhanced."

Aaron said...

That figures. Some of what I saw in the commercial looked like it had to have been redone.