On Saturday my girlfriend and I went downtown to check out a 9/11 memorial called the Healing Field. One thousand American flags were placed in a park to honor those who have been killed fighting the war on terrorism since September 11, 2001. Each of the flags had a yellow ribbon tied to its pole with the name of someone who has died in the war.
Later on Saturday, we traveled to North Liberty for "game night" with friend from a school that I used to teach at. More people attended than I expected. It was a lot of fun. We only played one game then we spent a lot of time just talking. It was nice to find out what is going on where I taught a few years ago. I truly miss the people I worked with there and even quite a few of the students. I also had the chance to talk to one of the new math teachers there. It kind of made me with I were still teaching there. Of course, I am making more money where I am teaching now, and I don't have to teach as many different classes, but I do have more students to deal with. My girlfriend and I stayed the night at my friend's house there since the party ended after midnight, and we were about an hour and a half from home. Besides, I did have quite a bit of Apple Pucker to drink; it's really good when mixed with Diet Squirt.
This morning, after breakfast at McDonald's (there were too many people waiting at Perkins), we went to the Coral Ridge Mall where I took a picture of a couple of the Herky statues that are scattered about the Iowa City/Coralville area. My girlfriend, the Cyclone fan, didn't seem to bothered by being surrounded by images of "the enemy." The Hayden Fry Herky is pictured here.
After getting back home, I mowed the lawn; it was way past due. I've also been working on writing test items. I have eight more to write before they are due this Wednesday. I need to work on my calculus lesson for tomorrow so I know what I am doing. As I work on the lessons, I am feeling more and more confident about teaching calculus. It's finally coming back to me.
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