
Computer Issues

For the past several months, our home computer has been extremely slow, so today I decided to backup all out data files onto our external hard drive and reformat the hard drive. I figured that this would take care of any crap on the computer that is bogging down its performance. I did this this morning before taking Emma to her six-month doctor appointment. Besides the appointment and going to Wal-Mart to get her pictures taken, I worked on restoring the computer for much of the day. I had some issues getting the Internet working once again. Apparently, the drivers for the Ethernet controller were not on any of the CDs I had. Fortunately, the DSL modem I have can be connected to the computer via a USB connection. This allowed me to get online where I was able to find the necessary drivers. Now I am reinstalling the software that we actually use. This is taking a bit longer than I predicted it would, although the computer itself is much faster than it had been recently!

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