Since it was still rather cold outside, although it was above zero degrees, we only looked at the indoor exhibits, visiting Discovery Bay and the Tropics Trail. As it was, we got to the zoo a little less than two hours before it closed for the day, and that was just enough time to make it through these exhibits. Emma did enjoy looking at the fish and the tropical animals.
After returning home, I went back out to rent a movie from the Redbox at Cub Foods. I had to go there to buy a few things anyway. I rented The Dark Knight which Mel and I began watching last night. We did not start the movie early enough though as we were too tired to see the whole film last night. We finished the movie while Emma took her nap today. I really enjoyed the movie. It did take me a little time to get into it though. I have to say that this has got to be the darkest and most disturbing movies I have seen in the Batman franchise.
After Emma's nap today we did another fun activity. Mel baked some sugar cookies this morning after making the cookie dough last night (it was ingredients for the cookies that took me to the grocery store last night). So this afternoon, the three of us decorated the cookies. We did not let Emma put icing on the cookies, but she did like pouring on the red and green sugar crystals and the nonpareils. And when I say she liked pouring them on, I really mean it. There were green sugar crystals all over the table as well as the floor and her clothes. For some reason, those sugar crystals sure poured out of their container very easily.
All of the excitement must have worn Emma out, because at 6:45 this evening, she was ready for bed. Well, it could be that she is not feeling well. We think her stomach may be hurting for some reason, so hopefully she sleeps through the night well.
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