
Sea Kittens

I found out today that in addition to our cat Ike, we have some sea kittens as pets. What are sea kittens, you ask? Well, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has decided that if they can get people to call fish "sea kittens," then maybe they will treat them more humanely. Their focus seems to be on stopping the hunting of the defenseless sea kitten, which I assure you, my sea kittens are in no danger from.

Now I am wondering if all fish are sea kittens, or just marine fish. Since a sea is commonly defined as a large body of salt water, it occurs to me that freshwater fish, such as mine, would not be sea kittens, as they do not live in a sea, nor in a sea-like environment. Maybe they will have to call non marine fish "freshwater kittens."

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