
Grocery Shopping

I just got done putting groceries away, in time to blog a little and then get down to work at 8:00. Grocery shopping as an activity that I enjoy. I do not know why I like to do it. Typically I go grocery shopping either Monday or Tuesday morning around 6:30 with Emma. Afterwards, I drop her off at daycare before returning home to put the groceries away before working. Shopping early in the morning on a weekday has the advantage over shopping on the weekend or during the late afternoon or evening in that the grocery store usually is not very busy. So while there may just be one checkout lane open, the wait to check out usually is not too bad. There are some disadvantages with shopping so early in the morning though. Sometimes the shelves are not completely stocked, making it harder to find things I am looking for. For instance, I was unable to buy the Pillsbury pizza crust that I had on my list this morning. Also, I wanted to buy a new variety of Cheerios that I saw advertised in the grocery store ad, Banana Nut Cheerios. I may have to go back later in the week to find them. Aside from that, I had a great shopping trip. Emma was very well behaved despite the fact that she woke up a little early. I also ended up saving a lot of money buying sale items and using coupons. My bill was $86.32, but I saved a total of $43.17! That's a savings of over 33%! It did help that one of the sales that Rainbow Foods had a sale that if I bought six General Mills cereals, I would get $10 off my total bill, as well as a coupon for a free gallon of milk on a future shopping trip. Besides that, I had coupons for $1.50 off and $1.00 off on the cereals. Gotta love those coupons!

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