
Anyone Looking for a House?

As of 5:30 yesterday afternoon, my house in Waterloo is for sale. I've only lived here since September 2003, but as I have indicated earlier, I have recently been offered a job in Iowa City which I have accepted. I have no desire to rent out a house here while buying a new one in the Iowa City or Cedar Rapids areas, so it has to go. Besides, I don't think I would qualify for an additional mortgage. I was pleasantly surprised about how much my Realtor thought I should ask. It's amazing how much real estate can appreciate in under two years. Now I just hope my house sells without too much problem, but just not too fast. My new job doesn't start until mid June. Of course, if I find a house in Cedar Rapids, rather than Iowa City, I can commute to Waterloo from there until the end of the school year.

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