A couple of days ago, one of my friends on Facebook mentioned to all his friends that Facebook now lets users change the language that Facebook is displayed in to English (Pirate). Doing so changes the wording Facebook uses in messages to its users and in how some text is displayed. For example, now when I get an email from Facebook letting me know that someone commented on someone's status after me, instead of saying "____ also commented on ____'s status," it says "____ be weighin' in on ____'s recent tales too." After making that change, I wrote on Twitter that I thought Facebook should also offer the Klingon language. Shortly after making that comment I got a response from another Twitter user saying that he, and some others, had been trying to get Facebook to let them do that, but they had been turned down. I then decided to follow that Twitter user. Yesterday he tweeted in Klingon, and after spending a little bit of time looking at it, I successfully translated what he had written into English, replying to him to see if I was correct. He replied, in Klingon, to let me know that I had done a good job. Now it looks like I may have a new hobby, learning tlhIngan Hol (the Klingon language).
DaH jIQapnIsqa'.
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