

Last summer I signed up for a Twitter account at the prompting of a friend of mine. I didn't really use it at all after signing up, but I had the account nonetheless. Every once in a while, I received a message about someone "following" me on Twitter. I really hoped that they weren't expecting much, because I never used the account. Never, that is, until this past week. I decided I would revisit Twitter and see what it was all about. While I have very little need to post anything myself on Twitter, I do enjoy reading what some other people tweet about. I have particularly enjoyed reading Wil Wheaton's tweets as he writes about what he is doing at a given moment. I have found that he seems to enjoy watching hockey.

As for my use of Twitter, I may use it occasionally much in the same way I use my status on Facebook, to inform my friends about what I am doing or thinking, not that anyone really cares. In fact, I am having anything I send to Twitter also be used to update my Facebook status. And, if you are interested in what I am tweeting about, I have included my Twitter feed to the right in my blog.

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