It looks like I made it through the weekend. It wasn't really all that tough taking care of Emma on my own this weekend, although it would have been much easier if she weren't still trying to adapt to daylight saving time and her recent apparent need to cuddle before going to sleep. This morning Emma woke up shortly before 6:00, as with yesterday morning. We went to my sister's church this morning so Emma could see her grandmother once more before my mom returned to Iowa this afternoon. Emma actually did a pretty good job during the church service. She was fairly quiet with just a few "oh no"s coming from her mouth. Mainly when she took her shoes off, which she did several times during the service. She had a good time after the service eating a doughnut, and sitting with her grandma and aunt as well as my aunt and uncle.
About an hour after we got home, it was time for lunch. Emma did a good job eating lunch, but gave me some issues with taking a nap. I eventually got her into bed, but she never really got to sleep. I heard her babbling for almost an hour in her room before she started protesting being kept in her room. So, without a real nap, we headed to the Mall of America where I bought some birthday presents for Emma and for someone else who I will not name at this time. (I wouldn't want that person to know I bought him or her something today.) Emma quickly fell asleep in the car once we left for the mall. In fact, she was sleeping so well in the car that I was almost able to get her out of her car seat and into her stroller without her waking up. She did wake up though, but still did a good job behaving at the mall. On our trip back home, she once again fell asleep.
I don't know if it was because of her lack of a quality nap today or what, but Emma just would not go to sleep voluntarily tonight either. After trying various things for nearly an hour tonight, I broke down and put her in the car. We drove around town for a little while until she was sleeping. She did wake slightly when I took her from her car seat after returning home, but she went to bed quite easily. I just hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass tomorrow night when it is bedtime. I will not be driving her around tomorrow night! Maybe her mommy's return tomorrow will make her happy, helping her to get to sleep much better.
Even through I have to work tomorrow, I am not planning on getting up at my normal week-day time. I am going to let Emma sleep as long as she can, and I am not planning on waking up until she does, although I do have an alarm set in the unlikely event that she ends up sleeping much later than she usually does. There has been a time or two when Emma has slept until 8:00 or even later. With her lack of quality naps today, maybe tomorrow will be a repeat of one of those instances.
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