Today was a busy Saturday for me. It all started at about a quarter to five this morning when Emma decided it was time to get out of bed. I was surprised that she was awake so early, especially considering that she didn't get to sleep until around 9:00 last night. I was able to put her down for a nap around 6:30 though. While she napped, I resumed my work on packing up the house for our move. She only slept for a couple hours.
After returning home, Emma kept herself busy playing and watching me as I continued to pack up the house. After eating lunch, Emma took another nap, although this one was just for an hour and a half. By the time she woke up from her second nap, I had run out of bubble wrap packing dishes, so the two of us went out shopping. Besides picking up bubble wrap, I also picked up a couple of T-shirts from a Hy-Vee Drugstore that are being sold to raise funds for the Grant Wood chapter of the American Red Cross to help with flood relief.
After packing for much of the day, Emma and I met up with a friend of mine for dinner. We went to Red Lobster. It had been a while since I had been there. The food was good, unfortunately we were not able to stick around to fully enjoy the food. Emma had some fried clam strips from our appetizer, but she did not want any of the biscuits. She promptly threw a piece of the biscuit on the floor when I placed it in front of her. By the time our meals came, Emma had been getting a bit cranky. She calmed down when I sat her in my lap. That made eating difficult. Also, she wouldn't eat anything unless she could take it from my plate. So I ended up putting her food on my plate for her to eat. She ate some French fries, but would not eat any of her popcorn shrimp. She just threw that on the floor. I could tell that Emma was getting tired, so I got the rest of our meals boxed up, and we headed home. Besides, I was getting kind of full anyway.
Emma fell asleep in her cars eat on the way home. She did wake up though when I got her out of her seat. After her bath tonight, we read a couple of books and I put her to bed. I put her down at 7:30 and she is till not asleep at 8:05. Once she is sleeping, I am going to go back to packing.
Tomorrow, Emma and I are heading up to my sister's condo in Woodbury, Minnesota, so we can see Mel. Then on Monday, we finally get to close on our house purchase! I really wish it could have been on Thurday of Friday of this past week. That would have given us the weekend to begin cleaning, painting, and fixing things up. Oh well, I guess this will finally be done nevertheless.
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