
Open House

We are having another open house today to try to sell the house. My Realtor called my in Dallas last Wednesday to schedule it. She indicated that someone had requested an open house for this weekend, so that makes me fairly optimistic. And to top it off, someone actually showed up about twenty minutes ago asking if the house was open. Apparently she didn't notice the sign in the front yard stating that the open house was from 3:00 to 4:30. Hopefully she and her husband or boyfriend come back. She appeared to be pregnant, so maybe the Winnie the Pooh decor in Emma's room will help them to like the house. I am also thinking that the fact that a significant portion of Cedar Rapids is flooded may have the effect of reducing the number of houses for sale that are in a suitable condition, although many of the houses in the affected area are probably not at our price point. Anyway, there may be people looking to move, so maybe the flood will help us to sell the house. Besides, except for a little water in the garage, the house remained dry.

I was also pretty happy to be able to finally shower this afternoon for the first time since Friday morning when I was in Dallas. The water department is up to 50% capacity and so they are allowing people to use water for showering, laundry, and dishes once again, but on an alternating schedule with people in odd-numbered houses be able to use the water for such purposes on odd-numbered days and even-numbered houses on even-numbered days. Being in an odd-numbered house means we could shower today. I will be doing laundry tonight after Emma and I get back home following the open house.

Also this evening, but not until Emma goes to bed, I am going to post some photos that Mel and I took yesterday when we went for a walk near downtown to see the flooding. We also have a video of downtown that Mel shot while we drove north on Interstate 380. I plan on putting that online again tonight.

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