It's been nice being able to watch TV this morning without seeing a single political add now that the 2008 Iowa caucuses are over! Prior to lat night, I have twice attended presidential caucuses in Iowa, in 2004 and in 2000. This was by far the largest crowd of participants I have even seen at a caucus. The 252 people in attendance just about doubled the previous record for attendance at the Cedar Rapids Precinct 44 Democratic caucus.
While my candidate did not win, coming in fourth place in the state with just 2% of the delegates, I am really glad that Hillary Clinton didn't finish first, or even second! I am sure Hillary Clinton would be a decent president, but I do not think she can be elected. There are way too many people who absolutely despise her. I think this would make it tough for her to pick up votes from independents in the general election. Now if she were the nominee, I would most likely vote for her, especially if her opponent was Mike Huckabee. I am not sure exactly what it is, but Huckabee really scares me. Anyway, while I think that John Edwards is the most electable of the top three Democratic candidates, I won't be too disappointed if Barack Obama wins the nomination.
While watching Fox News at 3:00 this morning as I fed my hungry daughter, a commentator was talking to a Mitt Romney campaign official in New Hampshire. She wrote off his second place finish in Iowa as a result of the high number of evangelical Christians who voted in the Republican caucus since they had "one of their own" to vote for. I find that a bit insulting to assume that people would vote for someone purely because of their religion. However, it may very well be an accurate statement. This campaign official did not see it a big deal that Romney came in second despite all of the money the campaign spent here and his organization compared to Huckabee's lack of money and organization.
On a similar note, a commentator on ABC pointed out that is was interesting how well Obama did in a state in which 98% of the residents are white. What was this supposed to mean? Did he intend to imply that white people would not vote for a black person for president? I find that even more insulting that the comment I addressed in the previous paragraph. I think most Iowans look more at someone's qualifications for public office than his or her race, or even gender.
Anyway, I am very happy that the commercials, mailings, and phone calls will finally stop, at least for a few months!
So what were you doing watching FAUX news? I thought I brought you up to know better! What's wrong with MSNBC or CNN!
The program guide said that CNN was showing Larry King and MSNBC had some other program.
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