
Working My Way Through B5

With Mel working evenings this week, and with very little worth watching on TV most nights, I have spent my evenings, after putting Emma to bed, watching my Babylon 5 DVDs. During its initial run on TV, I didn't watch it. Oh, I saw an episode or two during the summer when I was staying at a friend's house, but at the time I just couldn't get into it. The problems I had then were that I had no idea what was going on and it was always hard to find on TV with its time slot seemingly changing from week to week. It wasn't until I moved to Texas that I really got into the show.

I had moved to Texas after graduating from college in December 1997. Shortly after I moved, the final season aired on TNT with episodes from the first four seasons airing nightly also on TNT. I was able to juggle watching new episodes between earlier episodes of the series, and I became a fan.

I just finished watching the second season of Babylon 5. Tomorrow night I will begin watching season three.

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