I have started watching what I eat again. This includes increasing the amount of exercise I get. Once again I am using the Weight Watchers program to watch what I eat. I'm not going to the meetings though, I am just using the books that we have at home. My goal is to lose thirty pounds. I plan on adding something to the sidebar of my blog to track my progress. Since I won't weigh in until Monday, don't expect to see anything until then.
I need to lose about 20 pounds. When I entered the police academy at the age of 26 I weighed 216 pounds. When I graduated I weighed 173. I'm now 45 years old and weigh 209 pounds. I would so love to weigh 185.
I'm at 229 pounds right now. I'd like to get down to at most 199. A little over 2 years ago I was at 245. So I'm doing better than I was then.
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