I have been waiting to write this blog entry since July 30 when Mel and I found out that she was pregnant. She's eleven weeks along now so we are beginning to tell people outside of our family. Oh, we had each told a few people at work and a couple of close friends, but we're now ready to tell everyone we know. Mel had her first appointment with her actual OB doctor this week. We had previously met with the OB history nurse to supply background information about each of us and to get information about what Mel should and should not be doing. Today we got an ultrasound and received some photos of our baby! According to the
sonographer, the due date for our baby is April 6. We are very excited as this is a first child for both of us. He or she is going to be the first grandchild for my mother and the fifth for Mel's parents. My mother was especially excited when we told her last month as I think she was wondering if this day would ever come. Anyway, I'm sure I will have a lot more to write in the future about the baby, but until then, here are a couple of the photos we got today.

BTW, Do you have ANY idea how hard it's been to not say a word of this to anyone?
Now that the cat's out of the bag, I know some coworkers who would be delighted to hear the good news.
CONGRATS! How wonderful. This will be an exciting time for you. I look forward to hearing all about it.
Finally, I don't have to keep it a secret anymore. Geez. You keep putting me in these spots. ;-) Not that I mind. Congrats again.
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