

Yesterday, a week after building up the two small retaining walls by my garden, I returned to the garden to continue fixing it up. I started by placing some edging around the garden. I also planted some gladioli bulbs in a sunny part of the garden. They should begin blooming about when the tulips die down. Speaking of the tulips, I am a bit upset with the Michigan Bulb Company. Last fall I ordered two dozen tulip bulbs from them. The bulbs I ordered were supposed to produce purple tulips. Of the half dozen or so tulips that have bloomed so far, two of them are purple, the remainder are red. Anyway, we continued gardening by planting a couple of rose bushes and we added a new garden gnome. I wish I had a photo to post of all of this, but it was getting dark by the time we were done, so I didn't take one. Mel also planted several annuals that we had bought the week before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could have watered your garden with the water in my apartment this week. Finally drying out. Yay! And getting a discount on rent. :)