Linn County is getting a new flag. Apparently, there was only one copy of the previous flag, which was stolen from the state fairgrounds. It's just as well as the previous flag pretty much sucked. Now the Linn County Board of Supervisors is
accepting input on a new flag for the county. They have narrowed the possible flag designs down to two, which they are calling Flag 1 and Flag A. Why not Flag 1 and Flag 2 or Flag A and Flag B? I am guessing it is so it doesn't appear that they are giving preferential treatment to one of the flags over the other. Another question I have about the two choices is why green and blue? The Iowa flag is blue, white, and red. Why not use blue and red instead of blue and green? In any way, if you are a Linn County, Iowa, resident and want to
give your opinion, you have until May 1, 2006.

Did I miaa aomething? Since when does Linn County have a flag? This is certainly news to me.
Well, there was only one copy of the flag in existence, and it was at the State Fairgrounds.
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