I just got off the phone from talking to my mother. She was telling me about allegations of voter fraud in both Florida and Ohio. She was telling me about voting machines in Florida that registered more votes than there were voters. She gave me the address of a website she said I should check out to learn about it. I think I'll hold off until I find something from the mainstream media. I sure pray to God that this allegation is not true. I don't think we, as a country, can go through another four years of people bitching about how Bush "stole" the election.
In other election news, I just heard that South Carolina has changed its constitution to allow bars to serve alcohol from containers other than mini-bottles. This is going to cause some problems for bartenders who have never served drinks from a full-sized bottle, but it will provide a lot less glass that needs to be dealt with.
Now away from the election. Last night my girlfriend and I went to Cedar Rapids for a wedding reception for a friend of hers. They aren't actually getting married until next weekend, but it's going to be a very small, private ceremony. The reception was at the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library. There were some excellent hors d'oeuvres being served, plus an open bar, but since I had to drive back to Waterloo, I only had two drinks in the hour or so that we were there. I did however, eat way too many crab cakes. I had a bit of an upset tummy on the drive home.
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