
Oh Well

It looks most likely like we will have four more years of George Bush. I'm not too pleased with that idea, but I guess I will have to live with it. Thinking about it, my life won't really change that much due to his being President instead of John Kerry. I guess I can be pleased that I'll get to keep my big tax cut that will allow me to take my girlfriend and myself out to dinner a couple of times a year. I still won't have to worry about how the government will pay its bills. My future children will have to take care of that, not me. I'll still be protected from Saddam Hussein and his non-existent weapons of mass destruction. Hopefully Kim Jong-Il doesn't decide to come after us. Hey, I'm not gay, so I guess President Bush doesn't mind if I get married as I would strengthen the institution of marriage, not degrade it. I wasn't planning on having an abortion anyway, so if a new Supreme Court with justices appointed by Bush makes abortion illegal once again, it doesn't affect me. I have health insurance through my job without any additional expense. Hopefully I won't need to insure more than just myself as the cost it outrageous. I still have a job and because of the current trend in standardized testing, I may even be able to get a better one. I'm still free to express myself and read whatever I want to, as long as what I read doesn't make the government think I'm up to no good.

Now I am still disappointed that I have a President who thinks that my colleagues and I in public education aren't doing our jobs, otherwise he wouldn't have promoted legislation that takes choices away from the states and instead gives them to the federal government. But I suppose I can live with that since I am thinking about changing careers anyway.

At least now we will have a president for whom more people voted for than his opponent, although a margin of 51% to 48% is hardly a mandate.

It was nice that George Bush decided not to give a victory speech yet, instead giving John Kerry time to "reflect on the results of this election." What the fuck does that mean? It sounds like Kerry was a bad boy who was sent to his room to think about what he did. Oh well, I guess this is just another example of George Bush's "compassionate conservatism."

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