In preparation for the party, we went shopping earlier this week for a birthday present. It was a little difficult getting Emma to understand that we had a limit on how much we would spend on the present. We eventually settled on a Play-Doh set with Cookie Monster and the tools to make all the letters of the alphabet as well as different food items.
The party today was at the Giggle Factory in Hudson, Wisconsin. The Giggle Factory is kind of like the play rooms that some McDonald's restaurants have, only much larger, and with sufficient space for hosting as party. I was a little worried about how Emma would do there as the last time she played at the McDonald's play area she said she didn't want to go back as it was too loud. I had no reason to worry though. Emma had a great time running through the play area and repeatedly going down the numerous slides. She also enjoyed watching her friend open her presents even though some of the other kids didn't stop playing to watch. Considering how much she ran around at the party, I was surprised that she didn't fall asleep in the car on the half-hour drive home. She did go to sleep fairly quickly after going to bed tonight though.
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