
The Hangover, The Movie

Yesterday I rented the movie The Hangover from Redbox. I had reserved it on their website, but there was an error when I submitted my credit card information, so I had to resubmit the information to complete my reservation, or so I thought. When I swiped my credit card in the Redbox machine at my local Cub Foods, the machine dispensed two copies of the movie. Not needing to watch the movie twice, and definitely not needing top copies of the DVD even if I did want to watch it twice, I returned the second copy immediately. When I got home, I emailed Redbox to make sure that I wouldn't be charged twice for the movie. The rental is only one dollar, so if I do get charged twice, it's not that big of a deal, but I don't feel that I should have to pay twice as much just because their website hiccuped when I used it.

Anyway, Mel and I put Emma to bed about half an hour early last night. She hadn't napped much the past couple of days, and we couldn't really start the movie until she was in bed. I enjoyed the movie. It had that certain offbeat humor in it that I like. Mel appeared to enjoy the movie as well. I thought the idea of having the characters of the movie retrace their steps from the night before to reconstruct their memories of what had happened during their drunken night was clever. And while a lot of the things that the discovered shortly after waking the next morning in their suite didn't make sense initially, everything came together through their day of fact finding. While Mike Tyson is not one of my favorite celebrities, I thought his part in the movie was really good. He was actually pretty funny! The major problem I had with The Hangover is the same as a problem I have with every movie that takes place in Las Vegas. After seeing this film, I really want to take a vacation there. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be in the cards at the moment.

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