
Three Wolf Moon T-shirt

Should I join the slew of people who are flocking to the Internet to buy the Three Wolf Moon T-shirt? This shirt, which has been available for sale for a couple years now, has recently become quite popular and is currently Amazon.com's number one selling apparel item. From what I have read, the phenomenon of the Three Wolf Moon T-shirt began after a review was written about the shirt detailing the powers it bestows on its wearer.

Now personally, I have yet to see anyone wearing the Three Wolf Moon T-shirt out and about, but with its popularity, I'm sure I will see one in good time.

Also interesting about the Three Wolf Moon T-shirt is the list of items also viewed by customers who viewed the T-shirt including a gallon of milk (Who goes to Amazon.com to buy milk?), Zubaz Pants,and the books Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dreamand How to Live with a Huge Penis: Advice, Meditations, and Wisdom for Men Who Have Too Much.

For anyone who is not yet sold on the idea of buying the T-shirt, a video has even been made which should convince anyone on the fence that he should definitely buy the Three Wolf Moon T-shirt.

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