I flew out of the Minneapolis - St. Paul Airport to get to Chicago for a week of meetings for work. With the Republican National Convention being in Saint Paul this week, all of the stores were well prepared for an influx of GOP members. Most of the stores were decked out with signs welcoming the Republicans to town, and as I walked through the mall area of the airport, I felt completely surrounded by Republican and McCain/Palin swag. They had T-shirts, polo shirts, water bottles, and even red, white, and blue, stuffed elephants. Ugh.
Anyway after dinner tonight I returned to the hotel and caught Joe Lieberman's speech at the RNC. I have to say that I found the speech much less than inspiring. He kept harping on the theme of putting our country ahead of our political party. That all sounds good and fine, but John McCain and Sarah Palin's view of what this country should be does not fit with my view. Anyway, I suppose that nothing I could possibly hear in the RNC coverage would change my mind about my support for Barack Obama in November's election. If anything, McCain's pick for his vice presidential running mate has only cemented my decision to vote for Obama in just over two months.
I am curious as to why you dislike Palin.
I mainly disagree with her on social issues. She wants to make abortion illegal, even in cases of incest or rape, whereas I would prefer for it to remain legal but rare. I don't agree with her position on gay marriage. I also think that abstinence only sex education is a bad idea. Afterall, it didn't seem to work for her daughter. She also thinks that creationism (not science) should be taught alongside evolution (science). These are a few of the concerns I have about her. I may actually blog about this issue later once I get the time to do a little more research.
Looking forward to reading your research.
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