
The Bathroom Remodel Is Done!

The drywall guy finally finished with the remodeling of our bathroom today. All that is left is for me to paint the walls and install new towel bars. And, the remodeling has been completed just in time as this past Monday, Mel was offered a job in Saint Paul, Minnesota. So, by the end of next week, or the start of the week after that, our house will be on the market. We spoke with a Realtor in town this week, and she is fairly optimistic about the prospect of getting our house sold quickly and at a fair price. Apparently there are not a lot of houses available around the same price as we should be able to get for ours.

Next Friday we are going to be heading up to the Twin Cities because Mel has paperwork to complete for her new job. That afternoon, we are going to meet with a Realtor up there. We hope we can find something acceptable that we can afford pretty quickly as Mel's first day of work at her new job is on May 19. We realize that we will not be in a house by that day, so Mel will be staying with my sister who lives up there for a week or so. We think we should have pretty good luck with finding a house in the Twin Cities that is not too far away from where Mel will be working. We have checked out some websites looking for houses, and because of the housing crisis, there appear to be some houses that have either been foreclosed on or with impending foreclosures which may allow us to get a bargain price on a really nice house.

While Mel will be starting a new job, I am going to be continuing to work in my current job. My employer is fairly open about having experienced employees work from home. In fact, I have been working from home once a week since last fall. So once we get moved to Minnesota, I will be working full-time from my home office. It will be a different experience from working in the office with others, but most of the team for the project I work on primarily are located in Austin, Texas, so the fact that I am in the Twin Cities instead of Iowa City will not change much in my interaction with them.


Anonymous said...

Wish you good sell! .) Remodeling the bathroom is a good step, because it's one of the most important things - potential buyers will usually remember the bathroom and the kitchen. I suppose it's something with people's hygienic feeling - when they see old bathroom (+toilet) and kitchen), they can be very easily distracted! I am working for experienced Vancouver ReMax realtor, who is always pointing things like this :)

Anonymous said...

Very good blog
