Ann Coulter this week continued to prove to the world just what an arrogant bitch she truly is. She claimed on Donny Deutsch's CNBC show The Big Idea that the United States would be a better place if everyone in it were Christians. She also said that Jews need to be "perfected" by becoming Christians. Gee, I thought that one of the principles that this country was founded on was the freedom of religion. Apparently that's only alright if the religion one subscribes to is a form of Christianity. I am really surprised that she didn't specify a particular denomination of Christianity that all us Americans should follow.
Now I titled this blog entry by wishing someone would make Ann Coulter shut up, but on second thought, maybe that isn't a good idea. She of course has the right to her views and the right to express them. Besides, every time she opens her mouth, it shows just how intolerant and unintelligent some Republicans can be.
I think at some point she failed to realize that Christianity is based on Jewish faith. They go hand in hand to a certain point. Maybe she needs some edumacation!
I used to think that people like Ann Coulter would go away if people just didn't pay attention to them. Unfortunately, it seems a large percentage of Americans (luckily only a quarter or so) actually buy into what people like her say. So, she's kind of like a venereal wart on our country. She shouldn't be ignored, but her like will probably never go away.
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