Around 6:45 this evening, I got a phone call from my mother. She sounded quite upset on the other end of the phone saying that she couldn't get a hold of my sister. At first I didn't understand what she was talking about, but she then informed me about the collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis, over the Mississippi River. My sister works in Saint Paul and lives to the south and east of there, so she shouldn't have been in the area of the bridge collapse, but not being able to get a hold of her made my mother nervous. I tried to reassure my mother that she probably couldn't get through to my sister because the phone lines were probably quite busy up there, nevertheless, I started to become a bit worried myself.
After changing the TV to CNN so we could see what was going on, and watching that for fifteen or twenty minutes, my mother called back to let us know that she had heard from a relative who had head from another relative who had heard from my sister since the bridge collapse, so we knew she was OK. That was quite reassuring, although I still wanted to talk to her for myself.
A little while later, my cell phone rang with the ring tone which I have assigned to my sister, so I knew it was her. As I knew she would be, she was just fine. She had been at home when the bridge collapsed. In fact, she hadn't even known what had happened. Apparently, she was on the phone with a friend when the call was dropped. A moment later she looked at her phone to find that she had three new voice mails. After listening to them, she did call people to let them know she was alright. Fortunately all of her friends and our relatives in the Twin Cities are alright. I do have a coworker who is in the Cities for work this week, but I don't think she'd probably be in that part of the city. I'm sure we'll here from her tomorrow.
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