
Severe Weather

For the third day in a row, it looks like we may be in for some severe weather. As I write this, there is a tornado warning in Grundy County, not far from here. It looks like the storm is heading this way. Yesterday we had severe thunderstorms early in the morning and the day before was quite stormy as well.

I just hope that the severe weather stays away next week during RAGBRAI. For the past two years, there was severe weather overnight at least one night. I didn't have much of a problem with it last year, although as I took shelter in our team bus, I was afraid that my tent poles were going to break. The year before was a different story though. On Sunday night of he 2005 RAGBRAI, there was an intense storm. I decided to take cover in our bus as my tent was being blown down on to me. However, after I fled the tent, the wind caught it. Unfortunately I didn't have the stakes in very good and the tent started to blow away, ending up in a fence just a few feet away. My tent did end up getting some tears in it, which I mended with duct tape for the remainder of the week, and all of my clothes in the tent were soaked!

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