
Emma Gets More Visitors

I'd say that we had some visitors today, but I know that the only reason that my mother and sister came was to visit Emma, not Mel or myself. Anyway, it was nice to see them. My sister brought a gift for Emma from Martha, a friend of ours who lives in the Twin Cities. Mom and my sister arrived around 11:30 this morning and were here until close to 5:00. Since they were here during lunchtime, we picked up food from the Cork and Fork for lunch. I really love that place, but until the past few weeks, I hadn't eaten there all that much.

While they were here, the topic of conversation turned to YouTube for some reason. While discussing YouTube, my sister mentioned a video clip from Saturday Night Live that she had seen there which was hilarious! So a few minutes ago, I thought I'd look for it. I must agree that it is quite funny, so I am including it here. This video contains words that were not in the television broadcast and is not appropriate for young children. So, I wouldn't play it if there are kids nearby.

1 comment:

The Publican said...

Wow it....it's almost as if...no...could, could SNL actually be funny again?