
Back to Losing Weight

I was wondering if I would end up gaining some weight this past week since there was so much food at my grandfather's birthday party, including some massive chicken pieces. However, I was able to lose weight. In fact I am only two-tenths of a pound above where I had hoped to be at this time.

Since Last Week: -1.8 lbs.
YTD Change: -5.8 lbs.
Pounds to Goal: 30.8


The Publican said...

Ahh so your on the weight loss wagon as well? I think once I finish the current weight loss pool I am in I will work a little bit more on my own and then I should be done. I think I am down like 38 so far since September 15th. Another 20 and I will be a smilin mo-fo.

Sara said...

Great job! This is a hard thing to do. I am finding that the first 15 pounds were easy. The next 15 will be hard.