
Mr. Negative

I am someone who tends to worry a lot. I don't know why, but it seems like I am often looking at what can go wrong in a given situation. Take today for an example. My manager at work is in the office for a few days this week. He works in our Texas location, so I don't see him too often. He scheduled individual meetings with all of us who he manages while he's in town. While I know that everyone is meeting with him and that it's just a chance to see what's going on, I worry about the meeting. For some reason, I'm afraid of all of the things that could go wrong when meeting with my manager. Oh, I am certain that things will go just fine. When I had a manager who was in the same office as me, we had a biweekly half-hour meeting. Nevertheless, I can not wait for this meeting to be over with this afternoon.

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